Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is it ok to be friends with people who aren’t Christians?

Yes, Jesus had many friends who were not Christians. In fact, this was the biggest criticism that religious people said about Him. He spent time with sinners and ultimately they began saying that Jesus himself was a sinner because He spent time with sinners. However, as we know from 1 Peter, Jesus never sinned. Therefore, while Jesus spent a lot of time with people who were not Christians He did not let them influence His life in any way. His closest friends loved Him and desired to follow Him. This is a good example for us. We should be influencing all of the non Christians around us to look to Jesus as our source of life. However, we should never be so close to a non Christian that we allow them to influence the direction of our life. This is why 2 Corinthians 6:14 is so important to live. We should not be in a close, intimate relationship with non Christians. However, having said that, Jesus also said that we should go and tell the world about Him and that starts in our neighborhoods, homes, and schools by living a life in front of non Christians that honors Jesus as our Lord and Savior. So ultimately I think Jesus expects us to have friends that are not Christians so as to allow God to work through our lives and our words to help a non Christian understand who Jesus is; but we should never allow a non Christian to influence our hearts and minds in any way.

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