Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Weight of Glory

Today I read C.S. Lewis' sermon entitled "The Weight of Glory." While I will suggest that everyone should read this sermon, I wanted to share a few of my favorite quotes with you. Here they are:

"The negative idea of Unselfishness carries with it the suggestion not primarily of securing good things for others, but of going without them ourselves, as if our abstinence and not other's happiness was the important point."

"If there lurks in most modern minds the notion that to desire our own good and earnestly to hope for the enjoyment of it is a bad thing, I submit that this notion has crept in from Kant and the Stoics and is no part of the Christian faith."

"Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

"If we are made for heaven, the desire for our proper place will be already in us, but not yet attached to the true object, and will even appear as the rival of that object."

"If a transtemporal, transfinite good is our real destiny, then any other good on which our desire fixes must be in some degree fallacious, must bear at best only a symbolical relation to what will truly satisfy."

"We remain conscious of a desire which no natural happiness will satisfy."

"God will be our ultimate bliss."

"Perfect humility dispenses with modesty."

"In the end that Face which is the delight or terror of the universe must be turned upon each of us either with one expression or with the other, either conferring glory inexpressible or inflicting shame that can never be cured or disguised."

"Glory, as Christianity teaches me to hope for it, turns out to satisfy my original desire and indeed to reveal an element in that desire which I had not noticed. By ceasing for a moment to consider my own wants I have begun to learn better what I really wanted."

"We be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it."

"It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you say it now, you would strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare."

"There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal."

"It is with immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors."

These are but a few quotes from this extraordinary sermon. If you have time I would highly recommend you find it on the internet or go to our local bookstore and pick it up so that you enjoy the full experience for yourself. It is one of the most challenging and encouraging writings I have ever read.


Friday, March 27, 2009

A Tree is a Tree

I was watching a debate over the question of the existence Satan this morning and one of the two men who denies the existence of Satan kept making the following statement:
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

His point was that Satan is a figment of our imagination. While I disagree with his view of Satan, I also think there is a much deeper problem with his statement: Things do not change when you change the way you look at them. Our perspective changes, but the object of our site does not fundamentally change. While the statement about things changing when we change the way look at them changes is clever, and I would even say cute, it is fundamentally based on a lie.

A simple example should help. If I look at a tree from the base of the tree I will see what looks like a bunch of individual twigs and sticks and limbs intertwining. However, I will also see that there is space between the limbs where birds and squirrels make their homes. Now if I move 500 feet back from the tree and change the way I look at it my perception will be completely different. I may see a mass of leaves sitting atop a trunk coming from the ground. At this distance I may not even be able to see the limbs and twigs and sticks that I was able to see earlier, but that does not mean that the tree has changed just because I can't see the twigs, limbs, and sticks. It is still the same tree with all the same features, I just see those features differently, and I would say that my perspective has changed. But a tree is still a tree with limbs, sticks, and twigs no matter the way I look at it. My view cannot change what a tree is.

I know the man who made this statement was probably not necessarily referring to tangible objects such as trees, but the same can be said about the thoughts of our minds as well. This growing idea that we create knowledge and truth through experience is tearing down the foundations for all of life. When we remove a standard bearer of truth and lie, right and wrong, good and evil, then we are opening our lives to the rule of chaos, and in a chaotic society, the physically strong will rule the physically weak because there is no basis to tell the strong that they are wrong in their thoughts and their actions. Without a truth that transcends human thought and experience, the moral and ethical bounds of society collapse and fall back onto the strength of the mob to push their ideas on the smaller mobs.

Truth is truth, and it is beyond our thoughts and experiences and ultimately in my Christian thought truth is experienced by knowing the truth personally through Jesus. Jesus prayed that we would be sanctified by truth, and that truth is the Word of God. The Bible reveals the truth that transcends thought and experience and stands as the standard bearer for good and evil, truth and lie, right and wrong. We put our faith and trust in the truth of the man that the Bible tells the story of, Jesus Christ. Through His life, death, and resurrection He opened the way for man back to a right relationship with God, who is truth.

I can't change a rock to gold by thinking differently about it anymore than I can make God not exist by choosing to believe that He doesn't. God exists beyond my thought, and no matter what I think or perceive or experience, He will continue to be real. If you think that truth is only what you think or experience, then put it to the test and step out in front a moving car and just think that it won't hit you and kill you. However, if you want to live in reality, accept the fact that there are truths in this world that are beyond our thought and experience and therefore cannot be changed by the way we think.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is it ok to be friends with people who aren’t Christians?

Yes, Jesus had many friends who were not Christians. In fact, this was the biggest criticism that religious people said about Him. He spent time with sinners and ultimately they began saying that Jesus himself was a sinner because He spent time with sinners. However, as we know from 1 Peter, Jesus never sinned. Therefore, while Jesus spent a lot of time with people who were not Christians He did not let them influence His life in any way. His closest friends loved Him and desired to follow Him. This is a good example for us. We should be influencing all of the non Christians around us to look to Jesus as our source of life. However, we should never be so close to a non Christian that we allow them to influence the direction of our life. This is why 2 Corinthians 6:14 is so important to live. We should not be in a close, intimate relationship with non Christians. However, having said that, Jesus also said that we should go and tell the world about Him and that starts in our neighborhoods, homes, and schools by living a life in front of non Christians that honors Jesus as our Lord and Savior. So ultimately I think Jesus expects us to have friends that are not Christians so as to allow God to work through our lives and our words to help a non Christian understand who Jesus is; but we should never allow a non Christian to influence our hearts and minds in any way.

How do you trust God if you can’t feel him around you?

You trust God the same way that you trust that you will have oxygen when you breathe. You can’t see oxygen or feel it emotionally (which is what most mean when they wonder why they can’t “feel” God) but every time you breathe, oxygen goes into your lungs and allows you to live until the next breath. It’s just a fact that oxygen is there when you breathe and that God is allows near.
All of us are going to experience valleys and mountaintops in our walk with God. In the valleys it can “feel” like God is far away. In these times we need to remind ourselves of the words of Jesus when He said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” God does not go anywhere. Psalm 139 says that we can’t go anywhere to get away from God. He is wherever we go. These, like oxygen, are facts spoken to us by the most trustworthy source available, the mouth of God. So while science can prove that oxygen is always near us, the words of God can be trusted to be true even if we can’t “feel” the truth of them. God will give us mountaintop experiences of himself like He did for Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, and John, but it is in the valleys that He sustains with His word, the Bible.
Therefore, the way we trust Him when we can’t “feel” Him is to read and memorize his word. The Bible is full of people’s lives who trusted God when he felt close and when He didn’t feel close. The life of Moses is a good example. I doubt Moses felt God as closely as he did at the burning bush when he was talking to Pharaoh. But the fact remained that God had told Moses what to do, and God had said that He would be with Moses. It was a fact in Moses’s life, not a feeling only.
Faith in God and His word must stand in the gap of our emotional feelings about God. He is still our Savior, our King, and our Lord even if we don’t “feel” close to Him.

How do you help one of your friends come to know Christ?

First, let me state that only God can bring your friends to the point where they desire to become a Christian. We cannot manipulate people, talk people into or argue people into a true, saving relationship with God. Our friends who are not Christians are dead people according to Ephesians 2:1 (as we all were before God saved us). This is referring to their spiritual life. They are dead spiritually, and dead people don’t make decisions (unless we are living in some kind of crazed zombie flick and even then I have to ask if zombies really do make decisions). God has to work in their lives and awaken their spirits to a need for Jesus and until God does this your friends will not become a Christian.
Having said that, there are some things we can do that God will use in our friends lives to cause them to see their need for Christ.
First, we must live lives that show the transforming power of Jesus. If we call ourselves Christians and make all the same choices morally and ethically that our lost friends make then we show that there is no difference between Christians and non Christians. This also paints Jesus in a bad light. Almost everyone knows someone who will not come to church on the basis that someone at church or who goes to church treats them poorly. This is offensive to Jesus if we act without love towards others. Our lives must show the power of God to change a person and take a broken life and make it whole.
Second, talk to your friends about Jesus and try to answer their questions. Don’t shy away from talking about Jesus just because someone has told you they have heard it all before or because they say they don’t want to talk about it. Jesus is the most important person in your life if you are a Christian and them asking you not to talk about Him is like you asking them never to mention their boyfriend or girlfriend again in your presence. If you asked them not to talk about people who were important to them they would be offended just as you should be if they tell you not to talk about Jesus.
Third, share your story of how you became a Christian. Be able to answer these three questions in one sentence each: 1) What was your life like before Jesus? 2) What happened that caused you to believe in Jesus? 3) How has your life been different since trusting Jesus with your life? Being able to answer these questions will help you shape your testimony, or the story of How Jesus has changed your life. No one can argue with the fact that God has changed your life. They may try to argue that there is no God or that Jesus was just a man, but they cannot argue with the fact that Jesus has changed your life.
Fourth, you should pray for your friends that are not Christians. Since only God can save your friends then you should be constantly asking Him to do so. There are people who have prayed for friends and loved ones for years before God answered that prayer. In God’s infinite knowledge He knows how and when to answer our prayers in the best way. Pray for your friends and then trust that God will answer that prayer.
Also, let me say a word to those of you who say you don’t talk to your friends about God because you don’t think it is right to push God on someone. As a Christian, and stating that you are a Christian you are essentially stating that there is only one way to God. Jesus said in John 14:6 that no one comes to God the Father except through Him (Him being Jesus). If no one can come to the Father except through Jesus, then stating that you don’t talk to your friends about Jesus because you don’t want to offend them or push God on them is essentially looking them in the face and saying, “You can go to hell and I don’t care as long as you are not offended by me.” Not only is this passive stance in talking about Jesus cruel to your friends, it is also a disobedience and therefore a sin to Jesus. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20 that we are to go and make disciples, or Christ followers, of all those we come into contact with everyday. By not doing this we not obeying Jesus in the name of being politically correct. So who is your God, political correctness or Jesus? You can’t serve them both when it comes to talking to your friends about Jesus.
Lastly, to those of you who are still not convinced that you should talk to your friends about Jesus let me ask you this; what is so bad and terrible about Jesus? You are trying to introduce your friends to a God who loves them more than anyone else, will forgive their sins, heal their hurts, give them peace in life, guidance in life, and care for them, and will ultimately one day take them to heaven to live with Him forever. Yes that is your terrible agenda. Peace, joy and the unconditional love of God is the message that you are withholding from your friends.
You carry the gift of God in your words, and God can use your words to work in the life of your friends so be bold about Jesus, and talk to everyone you can about Him.

So if I surrender my life to God, will my life be easier?

Yes, in a way. Jesus never promises us that we won’t have pain again once we trust Him with our lives. In fact Jesus actually promised the opposite. He said that the world will hate you and persecute you because of your love for Jesus. Not exactly what we would call easy. However, God does promise care, guidance, and peace when you trust Him with your life. Proverbs 3:6 says that God will make your paths straight. He will guide you in the decisions and choices of life and lay out the path for you. Philippians 4:7 promises peace in all circumstances of life, even pain. And the care comes from a loving Father in Heaven who cares for his children so much that He knows how many hairs we have on our head. He knows us better than we know ourselves and that gives Him the ability to care for us in our lives. So while trusting in Jesus will not take away pain in life, it will be easier with the guidance, love, and care of the Father in heaven to live life. And this is the way that I can answer, “Yes your life will be easier when you trust God.” But please don’t think I have said that you will never have pain, struggles, or hard decisions again. With God these moments of pain in life become easier.

Will God put me back on the right track if I get off?

I would refer you to my answer for question to the question, “How can I work with God to straighten my life out if I mess up,” here. God will work in your life, but there is also a sense of personal responsibility in the Bible that we cannot get around. We must be active in our desire to straighten our lives out. God will work and move and do so when and how He wishes and our response as a Christian to his work in our lives will determine the path of our lives.

I’ve been dating a great guy and things are getting a little to serious. How do I tell him that I want a more Godly relationship?

The second part of this question is easier than the first. You must simply talk to him about your feelings and thoughts. Make sure your motives are pure. Don’t go into the conversation in a prideful way and tell him what he has to do, but you should be caringly firm with your words. Express your desire to build your relationship on a solid foundation, and that foundation being the life and power of Jesus in your relationship. Tell him you want to pray together, read your Bible together, and talk about God and what God is doing in your lives together. Also, express to him the seriousness of how you feel about this. If he is a Godly man who cares for you he will respond positively to these requests. If he is angered and says he doesn’t agree with you then you will have a hard decision to make as to whether or not to continue in that relationship. However, I would add that if a boyfriend doesn’t want to help you walk with God, then he will not be a husband who wants to walk with God in your relationship. Read Ephesians 5:22-33 and ask your self if the guy you are dating will be the husband found in those verses. If he is not, then you should part ways with him.
Now the first part of this question is a little difficult. When most teens tell me that their relationships are “to serious,” it usually means there are beginning to be signs of struggling physically. They are beginning to see themselves stepping on a path that will lead them farther than they wanted to go physically with a boy or girl. I don’t know if that is the case here, but for those reading this and that is the case then I want to say something that I know you will not like, but I must say it. If you are struggling physically you will need to take a break in the relationship of at least 90 days. You won’t see each other, talk to each other, or contact each other in any way for that period. This seems to be the only way to get over the attachment that physical intimacy causes between a boy and a girl. This will be the hardest thing you will have done up to this point in your life, but it is necessary if you want to have a relationship built on a Godly foundation. After this time you can see each other again but only in the company of others. You should not be alone again until you both stand before God and the world and say “I do” and you are married.
Also, when relationships are “to serious” it sometimes means that the girl/boy feels like he/she is falling in love at a young age with a girl/boy. This is also cause for concern because the odds are against you that this relationship will last beyond high school. Both guys and girls must “guard their hearts” in relationships and not allow themselves to be to close to a boyfriend or girlfriend until it is time; and that time is engagement and marriage, and no sooner.

If being cool keeps me from doing right things, what should I do?

Redefine what cool is for your life. The word “cool” is so relative that it is almost absurd. I mean in the 70’s being cool meant wearing bell bottoms and dancing like John Travolta. Today being cool may mean wearing the right clothes (you know all the ones your friends wear), having the right hair, the right car, saying the right words, and on and on. Being cool for someone like Kanye West is much different from someone like Billy Graham. Both of these men would define “cool” in different terms. The ultimate question is, “Is your definition of “cool” in line with what the Bible says is a Godly life or is it in line with what the Bible calls sin?” Getting drunk and having sex with your girlfriend may be cool to your friends, but it is not cool with God. God calls that kind of life a sin. So read your Bible, and look at your life and if the “cool” things in your life are things that God calls sin then you must get rid of them. This may mean a sacrifice of some sorts. Perhaps your reputation or popularity will not be the same or your friends will walk away from you and that will be ok. As long as you are redefining cool to match the Bible you will be in step with God and find others who want to be your friends because of your love that you have for God, for the Bible, and for them.

How can I tell my friends that they are a bad influence and do I need to get away from them?

First, I think you must be lovingly honest with your friends. I would tell them that when they do things that you don’t think are right and don’t want to do that they hurt you not only by pressuring you to conform, but that it hurts you to see them do things in their life that you know are going to cause them pain. Second, if you choose to speak with your friends about this talk about respect. If your friends are influencing and pressuring you in a direction you don’t want to go then tell them that you don’t feel respected by them for who you are. They want you to be like them or else they won’t like you and will make fun of you. That isn’t respect, it is pride on their part, and is therefore a sin.
To answer the second part, should you get away from them, I would say that if you can’t stand up to them and do the right thing and their actions cause you to sin against God then yes you should get away from them. Some people have the ability to stand up to others for what they believe and not compromise, if you can’t do this then you must find new influences that will guide you to a more Godly lifestyle. Perhaps, once you are a stronger Christian, God will guide you back into your friend’s lives that you had to walk away from so that you can be a Godly influence on their lives.

Is it a sin to call someone a fool?

This question must be answered Yes and No. While it is correct that Jesus used the word fool and said that if you call someone that you will be cast into hell, we cannot just take that verse out of the rest of the Bible and say it is a sin to call someone a fool. In Matthew 5:22 Jesus stated, “Whoever says, ‘You fool’ shall be in danger of hell fire.” However, if you look at what else Jesus said when He said this it is clear that he is talking about something bigger than using the word fool. He is speaking of anger and bitterness that we harbor towards other people. This is a much deeper issue than using the word fool. It is, as it almost always is with Jesus, a heart and sin issue, not a verbal word usage issue. Besides if it is a sin to simply call someone a fool then God himself would be a sinner as the verses listed below all contain God calling people fools.
So who does God call a fool? The short answer is that God calls a person a fool who does acknowledge the power of God in this world and who lives their life in rebellion to God. That person is a sinner and a fool in the eyes of God.
In answer to the question then, I think we should discretion when calling people fools and not rush to such a powerful word when talking to people. However, the Bible is clear as to who the fools of this world are. Those that do not live for Jesus and submit to his authority on this earth are living and building lives on shifting sand, and there is no greater fool than a man who builds his house on a foundation that will fall one day.

Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 – Those who don’t believe in God are called fools

Proverbs and Ecclesiastes use fool repeatedly

Luke 12:20 God calls the man who does not honor Him with his money a fool.

1 Cor. 15:36 – Paul calls those who deny the power of God to raise Jesus from the dead fools.

How can I work with God to straighten my life out if I mess up?

James 4:8-10 are great verses when it comes to our role in straightening out our sinful lives. The Bible says in Romans 8:28-30 that God is actively conforming us to the image of His son. He is active in our lives, not a passive God who is distant from us. However, as Christians we have a role in these actions of God that are changing us into the image of Jesus and the verses in James are a good place to see the actions we must take.
First, we must draw near to God. Just as I must be close to my wife emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically for us to have a relationship we must also draw close to God. We do this through prayer and Bible study and application. We must speak to God, learn from God through the Bible, and live out what God teaches.
Secondly, we must be sad over our sinful state. When James says that we should weep and mourn he is not saying that we should go into depression but rather we should see the sin in our lives and be heartbroken over it. Earlier in this chapter he says that friendship with the world is hostility to God, and if we find ourselves in this situation it should cause us sadness at the state of our lives. We cannot look at our sin and act like it is no big deal because Jesus says that it is a big deal. God looks at our sin as a Father looks at his child who has done wrong. There is still love, but correction must come.
Lastly, when the correction of our sin comes we must humble ourselves before God. Humility is the ability to look to God and ask for forgiveness and direction. It’s the freedom to release your pride that you know how to live your life better than God does. Physically humble yourself before God by bowing on your knees as you picture him on his throne. He is our King, our Savior, and our God and the only way to approach him is with humbleness in our hearts. For more on humility or to read about this all important aspect of the Christian life read C.J. Maheny’s wonderful book simply called “Humility.” God will straighten your life out as you walk in humility. And God is constantly conforming and changing your life to match the life of Jesus.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Taste and See...

Psalm 34:8 is an often quoted verse for the followers of Jesus. "Taste and see that the LORD is good," is what David wrote in the middle of this soul stirring poem. However, while this verse is often quoted it is very difficult to live. In a world that is built around meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual pleasures of our lives it can be easy to "Taste and see" the goodness of other things. For example we will:

1. Taste and see that our friends are good.
2. Taste and see that our material possessions are good.
3. Taste and see that our families are good.
4. Taste and see that this world is good.
5. Taste and see that our Facebook status is good.
6. Taste and see that our iPhone is good.
7. Taste and see that our boyfriends and girlfriends or wives and husbands are good.

However, if we look back at Psalm 34 in verse six I think we will see the key to Tasting and seeing that the LORD alone is good. Verse six states "This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles." This poor man is not only David, who wrote this Psalm, but it also you and I. We are truly a poor people who cannot save ourselves. The people and things in this world that we taste and that we see do not compare to the taste and sight of Jesus Christ. Yet so often we don't live this idea. We shake our heads and agree with it, but do we live it. Only when we realize, as David did, that we are a poor people, will we be truly able to taste and see the LORD in all his goodness. Despite all the momentary pleasures this life and world have to offer, they cannot satisfy the longing for eternity that is on each of our hearts. We long for something more than this world and its small pleasures, and once we realize this world is not good and is not worth savoring and tasting, we become poor and turn to the only good and satisfying, Jesus Christ.

What are you tasting and seeing as good? I have to ask myself this question daily as I always refocus my life and desires around the man Jesus Christ. I am a poor man who calls out to him daily and He always saves me from the poor life I would have without Him. Only when we see ourselves as poor people, and Jesus Christ as the soul satisfying, powerful, savior that He is will we begin to live Psalm 34:8. Have you tasted the goodness of Jesus today? Have you seen the goodness of Jesus today? If not, then pray that your eyes be opened because, as Jesus promised, He is with us always.

Here are a few other practical ideas to help you Taste and See the LORD.
1. Read your Bible daily. Read a Psalm everyday.
2. Pray everyday. If you don't know what to say then just pray the Psalm you read that day.
3. Whenever you experience happiness or joy in a day thank Jesus for his goodness and His ability to save us.
4. Whenever you taste good food (steak or candy) think about how much greater the taste of Jesus is. This may be weird to start, but overtime it will remind you that Jesus is a person who you can have real experiences with.
5. Strive to see God in all areas of your life. Your school, your relationships, and even your online experience. When we can see the goodness of God everywhere we will know His goodness.

Friday, February 13, 2009

10 Ways Parents Can Partner with Pulse

These are 10 tips that you can take to foster a spiritual impact in the life of your student. Some of these are steps you as a parent I would encourage you to take, others are things you need to emphasize in the life of your student. If you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comments section.

1. Make the church a priority in your family.
2. Encourage your students to attend Fusion every Wednesday night.
3. Encourage your student to serve in some capacity in the church.
4. Make Big Stuf summer camp a part of your student's summer plans.
5. Serve as a volunteer in the church.
6. Connect your students to healthy relationships through the church.
7. Take advantage of the Family Experiences posted here to deepen the impact of what is taught to your student at Fusion.
8. Tell your student what God is teaching you in your own life.
9. Partner with the church to develop your student spiritually.
10. Pray daily for your student.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Road Signs Family Experience


What kind of family do you want to be? What shared experiences do you want to have? What kind of legacy do you want to leave? This month, think about one goal, one destination, you want to reach as a family. Maybe you want to become more environmentally conscious. Maybe you want to serve others. Maybe you want to feel closer to each other. When you decide on your destination, then you can make a road map for getting there. Here are just a few questions to help you start planning your journey.

1. What is your biggest obstacle in taking the first step? Everyone has some reason why you can’t do something. Find out what that big fear or reason is, and determine what is the best way to push through that roadblock.

2. Is there something you need to stop doing in order to free up time to get to your chosen destination? For example, if you want to grow closer as a family, what time do you need to carve out of your schedule to spend time together on a consistent basis?

3. Are there tools or materials you need in order to equip you for the path? For example, if you want to become more environmentally conscious, do you need to clean up the garage to setup a recycling center? Do you need to find a drop-off center for recyclable items near your home?

4. What organizations can you contact or information can you research to help you prepare? As a family, if your goal is to start eating healthier, can you all take a cooking class to learn how to prepare more nutritious meals? Is there information you can find online about the nutritional information of foods at your favorite restaurants?

5. What kind of mile markers and guardrails can you setup to make sure you stay on course for the long run? There will be times when things get too hard or when the family gets off track, so beforehand, develop a plan to keep everyone accountable and help get things back on course.

Road Signs Pt. 1


You can’t get to the south beach by driving north, and you can’t get to the top of the mountain if you are walking down it. In the Road Signs series, we will examine the book of Proverbs for wisdom to help each of us navigate the choices life brings because our choices determine the direction of our lives. And it’s our direction, not our intention, that ultimately determines our destination. Where are you heading?

Week One (February 4)

You can’t get to the south beach by driving north, and you can’t get to the top of the mountain if you are walking down it. Why? It’s because our direction always determines our destination. While we all know this basic rule for navigating the roads we drive, we sometimes forget how the same rule is true in our lives. You can’t lose weight by shoving down quarter pounders and watching five hours of TV. You can’t have deep relationships by ignoring the living, breathing people around you. You can’t grow closer to God by shutting Him out of your everyday life or failing to make the effort to know more about Him. So what is the destination you desire for your life? Are you even on the right path to get there?

Week Two (February 11)

When we’re behind the wheel, most of us stop if we see a street sign that says “danger” or “dead end.” We put ourselves on alert if we see a “caution” sign. But when it comes to our daily lives and the choices we face, sometimes we ignore the warning signs completely. We trudge right through the “don’t say that” sign and deeply cut someone close to us with a wounding remark. We plow right through the “don’t date that girl” sign because we believe that having someone who’s not great for us is better than not having someone at all. The Bible warns us that when we see danger to take action, because when we don’t, things can get really ugly.

Week Three (February 25)

Everyone makes stupid choices—even smart people. Why? Because we’ve all had moments when we know the right thing to do, we have the right information, and we ignore it. We know we should order the fruit cup, but we order the mega-size fries. We know we should not spend all our money on that one shirt, but we do it anyway. We know we should avoid that one relationship, but we just keep coming back because it’s comfortable. So there has to be something more to it than just knowing the right thing to do. It’s not just about knowing the right choice, it’s about actually taking that first step. It’s the difference between knowing the right choice and trusting that the choice will lead you to a better path. It’s the difference between information and submission.

Week Four (March 4)

Have you ever been walking down the street, deep in thought, but oblivious to what was going on around you—that is until you snapped out of it and realized that you passed your destination two blocks ago? Your attention was elsewhere. Your mind wasn't focused on what you were doing. The reality is this: what you give your attention to determines your direction. When something captures your attention, it will alter your direction and eventually lead you to a predictable destination—for better or worse. This week, we will wrap up the series by helping your child take a look at the things that capture his or her attention. We will challenge them to be intentional about paying attention to the things that will ultimately lead them in the direction they want to go.